We are located 2 minutes from the train/bus station and also 2 minutes from the nearest public city transport (tram, bus) . You may find the timetable here. Please chceck the streets: Basztowa; Lubicz; Pawia; Plac Matejki; Długa (or any one close to us - see map below).

What you see in the below map is the very center of Krakow - mostly old town - where parking is limited ( there are 3 zones A, B and C). We are in the C zone. Thus parking costs around 3-4 PLN per hour. For your convenience, we advise you to make use of a private parking place nearby. It is never completely full of cars, it is guarded and it costs 2,5 PLN per hour as long as you are our client. Upon parking your car you receive a parking ticket that needs to be stamped bo one of our staff members.

CAUTION: The parking is located at 13 Św. Filipa street. It is the second parking on the right if you are going from the station/Warszawska street. You will find the printable pdf here.